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Spicy Szechuan Chicken Stir Fry




  • 3 cups of dried chili
  • 1/4 cup of oil
  • 1/4 cup of green Sichuan peppercorn
  • 1/3 cup of minced garlic
  • 1/3 cup of ginger strips
  • A hand full of the white part of a spring onion
  • Few pieces of face heaven chilies optional
  • White sesame seeds


  • Cut your chicken breast into bite-sized pieces.
  • Marinate it with Chinese cooking wine, soy sauce, black pepper, garlic powder, sugar, five spice, a little bit of salt, some cornstarch. Mix it until the liquid is all gone. Set that aside for 30 minutes before frying it.
  • Bring the oil to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. If you don’t have a thermometer, you can test the temperature with 1 small piece of chicken. If the chicken floats to the top and there are many bubbles coming out, it means you are good to go.
  • We are going to fry the chicken twice. The first time is to cook the chicken through. The second time is to get a nice color and make the surface a bit crispy.
  • Separate your chicken before you put them into the hot oil. It is very important to make sure your chicken doesn’t clump up together. Slightly push them a little bit to make sure they are fully separated.
  • After a minute, you can take it out. Don’t fry it too long because pieces of chicken this small cook quickly. Let it rest for few minutes.
  • Before you fry it the second time, you need to be careful with the hot oil. It will splash a lot because of the water from the first time you fry the chicken.
  • You only need about 40 seconds to get it really nice.
  • Take it out. Set that aside and we will start the stir fry process.
  • Heat up your wok on high for 10 seconds, then turn the heat to low. Add in 1/4 cup of oil along with all the aromatics (garlic, the ginger, the white part of spring onion, Sichuan peppercorn and the face heaven chilGive it a little stir. Then add in the red dry chilies. Mix it together.
  • I like to add a tsp of salt, this will help release the flavor.
  • Stir this on low heat for about 3-5 minutes. Add your chicken into the wok. Mix everything together and add a splash of water from the side of the wok. A tiny amount of water will help the chicken become infused with the flavors.
  • Keep stirring it for 2 or 3 minutes. Take it out. Add some sesame seeds as garnish. You are done.
